

Iraqis who have fled Falluja tell of random gunfire, dead and wounded lying in the streets, and ambulances being shot up. Their accounts of the American offensive on Falluja, mounted after the ambush and mutilation of four American security contractors there, are the ones many Arabs in the region are hearing.


She said that while in an ambulance with sirens on and lights flashing, they were fired on from the direction of American marines who had taken over a rooftop. "We started reversing," she said. "There was still firing. There were people with guns all over the place."


That same day, Brent Bourgeois, a 20-year-old lance corporal from Kenner, La., said he had seen an American helicopter fire a missile at a man with a slingshot.

"Crazy, huh?" the corporal said.

Falluja is now a strange replay of the war. Even with the cease-fire, the action here is the heaviest fighting since the Hussein government fell a year ago.

"It's the fight that never came last year," Major Petrucci said. "I guess these guys didn't really want to die for Saddam. But all this anti-American feeling is now uniting them."

Colonel Baggott said the insurgents were increasingly well organized. But when asked if he knew who the insurgents were, which groups or alliances, he paused for a moment.

"We don't," he said.

Many of the marines staring over the low brick walls expect the peace talks to falter and the siege to resume.

"If it's all about the diplomatic process," said Lt. Don Bergin, his face a mix of dust and sweat, "you're looking at the end of the diplomatic process."

スペインのテロの後「世界中どこでも起こりえますから」なんていうビビリかえった最悪の発言しちゃったし、参院選前にテロおこるよな・・・( ´_ゝ`)←スペインでのテロの直後アスナール(当時)首相の呼びかけで数十万人のデモがあったけど、あれは何を置いても小泉さんか川口外相かそのクラスの人が駆けつけて「このような卑劣なテロはけして許さない」というべきだったんじゃないんかね。イラクの占領軍に加わってないフランスやドイツからも、政府のかなり上のレベルの人がちゃんと行ってたぞ。なんか「テロとの戦い」というタテマエを守る気がまるっきりないよね。(まー「民兵と米軍が停戦交渉」とかいってる時点で「イラクで米軍を攻撃してるのはあくまで一部のテロリスト」なんていうフィクションは完全に破綻してるけど。)日本はもう参戦しちゃったのだ(あー最悪)という認識がみんななさすぎないかね。

ついでに内田さんにリンク。イラク Liberation を読んでみる