
ワラタ。いやーこの人のミもフタもなさが好きだわー。ちなみに選挙前のこのインタビュー記事も同じ意味で笑える:「"I'm the most capable politician"

Q. Do you think that people in Shobara, which is widely known as a stronghold of conservatism, can accept a reformist like you?
A: It's not the case that if you live in a village you're automatically earnest, loyal and compassionate. People just go with the flow and don't really have fixed beliefs. For example, why vote for Kamei? Because that's what [they're] accustomed to doing. The voting rate is very high in Shobara, 80% compared to the 60% national average. In rural villages the leaders make sure everyone goes to the voting station. Once you're there, you have to write something down, right? 'The DPJ's new, I don't really know anything about them,' you think, so you just write down the familiar name-Kamei-on the ballot. But everyone knows my name from TV, so just by shaking hands with them once won't I be able to get a lot of votes?
