
 先日、といってももう大分経ってるのか、北朝鮮の初のICBM(に転用可能な人工衛星の打ち上げ)実験が( ´,_ゝ`)プッ っと失敗したのをうけて久々にグーグルニュース英語版を見てみたら(いやほんとそんな事してる場合じゃないんだが^^;)パット・ブキャナン先生の論説が一番上にきてた。関連記事1800件てww

Wisely, Bush ignored ex-Secretary of Defense William Perry and former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, who urged air or cruise missile strikes to destroy the Taepodong on its launch pad. Kim would have had to respond, perhaps with an artillery barrage on the DMZ. That could have ignited a second Korean War, the last thing America needs now.

If there is going to be a second Korean War, let Koreans fight it.

ちょwwwww アメリカンだーいぶノムヒョンさんにむかついてんのね。


President Bush should also ignore the clamor for new sanctions. For it is the weak, the women, the sick, the elderly and the infants who invariably succumb to what Woodrow Wilson called "the silent, deadly remedy," not self-indulgent dictators like Saddam and Kim Jong-Il or their Praetorian Guard. The North Korean people have suffered enough under Kim and his father. We ought not add to that suffering.



Should North Korea attack the South or U.S. offshore bases in Asia, we can respond with air and naval power from offshore. While the North cannot strike our homeland, we can strike the North at will.

Kim and his nukes and missiles are primarily Asia's problem, not ours. And it is time Asians assumed responsibility for their own defense from a North Korea whose economy and population are small by any great power standard.

まーアメリカンにとってはしょせん他人事だと。日本?知らんね、と(上の文章でいうと offshore に一緒くたに含まれてんのよね)。
